MedeaWiz DV-S4 "Sprite" 4K Media Player


Availability: 4 in stock

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The DV-S4 "Sprite" is a hard working 4K video repeater proving that good things do sometimes come in small packages. Weighing in at about 2.5 watts of power consumption, the Sprite can play most types of video files at up to 4K on the HDMI output. It can be used as a simple repeater, looping a file when power is applied, or you can be in total control of the show. You can trigger a second file by pushbutton or voltage level change. Once the triggered file is completed the Sprite returns to the looping file. There is no blank space when looping or changing files. You can select multiple trigger options, and other initial setup options using the included remote control.
Need more control? The Sprite has a 2-way serial port. Use your favorite PLC, microprocessor or show controller and command the Sprite to play up to 200 different files in any order, and at any time you want.

Main Features:

  • 2.5 watts of power consumption (500mA)
  • Plays most types of video files at up to 4K on the HDMI output
  • Trigger by push button, voltage change or serial command
  • There is no blank space when looping or changing files
  • Includes "Sprite" media player, remote control, A/V cable, power supply and I/O connector
  • On-Screen Configuration Menu

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